
Monday, September 27, 2010

Muladhara (1st Root)

Muladhara (Foundation)
mula-base, adhara-support

The symbol is a yellow mantra square, surrounded by four petals, each accompanied by a Sanskrit letter (Varn, Sarn, Sharn, Sxarn). The four petals represent the four directions of the earth.

Muladhara is linked to survival instincts the ability to ground yourself. Survival is the desire, patience and greed are its attributes, and collecting and saving are the activities associated with this chakra. Muladhara (ideally) brings us dynamic presence, health, security, prosperity, and survival. This foundation rules passion, trust, legs, feet, your relationships with family, your home and your occupation.

Unbalanced: You may experience feeling like you don't belong and you may have problems connecting with others. You maybe constantly indecisive or easily disoriented. You may experience financial issues or trouble maintaining a job or a healthy relationship. You can become too concerned about survival and security, becoming a workaholic. Fear, prejudice, impatient, hatred, intolerance, and greed may be associated with this chakra being blocked. Some physical issues often connected to this chakra being unbalanced are, arthritis, constipation, weight problems, lower back pain, foot/knee/leg problems, and poor balance.
Balanced: You feel secure and safe. You are loyal and patient and you life is active and full of positive energy. You have a stable sense of belonging with family and friends. Your life is balanced, but with excitement. If this root it balance, it helps to draw negative energy out from the body, and take in pure energy from the earth.

Color: Red, Black
Element: Earth

Location: Base of Spine
Sense: Smell (Nose)
Number of Petals: Four
Lang (mantra of earth)
Dieties: Baby Brahma - the watchful creator, calms fear and creates peace of mind
Dakini Shakti
- the protectress, the creator, the preserver, the destroyer
Alravata the Elephant - Vehicle of the Bija Mantra-Lam, searches for food, takes orders.
Plane: Physical

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