
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Vishudda (5th Throat)

Vishudda (Purity)
vishuddi - pure

The symbol is a white lunar circle surrounded by sixteen purple grey petals. On each petal there is a Sankrit letter (Am, Amm, Lm, Llm, Um, Uum, Rm, Rrm, Lm, Llm, Em, Alm, Om, Aum, Aam, and Ahm)

Vishudda is associated with sound, creative expression and the ability to speak honestly. It helps us speak our inner truths and find a personal way to convey our voices. Vishudda embodies the essence of all five elements. It has no color, smell, taste, touch or form.

Unbalanced: If Vishudda is unbalanced, you may feel frustrated. You will critize yourself and others. You become unable to talk freely and listen to others. You become very (overly) opinionated. If this chakra is blocked you may experience, sore throat, dental problems or neck pain.
Balanced: When balanced, you can communicate the truth. You have confidence in yourself and you beliefs. You become able to listen and communicate with others. You respect the impact that language has on your life.

Color: Turquoise
Element: Aether
Location: Throat
Sense: Hearing (ears)
Number of Petals: Sixteen
Sound: Ham
Dieties: Panchavaktra - The Great Teacher, Eternal Knowledge, Balance and Non-Duality.
Shakini Shakti - Bestower of Higher Knowledge and Powers. Memory, Will, Intuition and Improvisation.
Gaja the Elephant - Carrier of the Bija Mantra-Ham. Confidence, Hearing and In Tune with Nature.
Plane: Human

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