Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Sahasrara (7th Crown)
sahasrara - thousand petaled
The symbol is one thousand rainbow petals. All fifty Sankrit letters repeat on each of the petals.
Sahasrara is the third eye that sees insights and into the future. This chakra is related to your spiritual connections with the Earth. It is our connection to the greater world beyond, to a timeless, spaceless place of all-knowing. This chakra brings knowledge, wisdom, bliss, understanding and spirit. This chakra governs connection to cosmic consciousness, spiritual, wisdom aspirations knowledge of truth. It is the highest center of enlightenment and spiritual development.
Unbalanced: When unbalanced, you feel worry, depression and a disconnection with the flow of nature. You may experience chronic exhaustion and headaches. You also may have a difficulty thinking and acting for oneself.
Balanced: If balanced, you open like a lotus blossom. You become able to connect to spiritual nature and the divine consciousness. You have a fulfillment in destiny and bliss.
Color: Violet/White
Element: Cosmic Kingdom (energy)
Location: Crown of head
Dieties: The Guru inside
Plane: Truth and Reality
Ajna (6th Brow)
The symbol is a white circle including two petals in which all of the elements are combined
Ajna, the brow chakra or third eye, is related to seeing physically and intuitively. It is associated with light and self-reflection. It opens our psychic senses and allows use to see everything. Ajna governs intuition, thoughts, dreams, visions, and inner and outer sight. Activities also associated with this chakra are honesty, mercy and forgiveness.
Unbalanced: When Ajna is blocked you feel confused or dazed. You thoughts become clouded and fuzzy and you don't have a clear sense of what you want to do. If Ajna is unbalanced, you experience nightmares and may have blurred or loss of vision. Headaches are also a symptom associated with a blocked Ajna.
Balanced: If Ajna is balanced, you are intellectually balanced and sound. You trust yourself and you inner wisdom. You are able to think and act realistically. You become able to visualize the future and you telepathic abilities may be heightened.
Color: Indigo
Element: Beyond
Location: Between brows
Sense: Telepathy
Sound: Aum
Dieties: Ardhanarlshvara - Half-Male, Half-Female, No longer Separate.
Hakini Shakti - Imparts Awareness of Non-Duality.
Plane: Austerity
Vishudda (5th Throat)
The symbol is a white lunar circle surrounded by sixteen purple grey petals. On each petal there is a Sankrit letter (Am, Amm, Lm, Llm, Um, Uum, Rm, Rrm, Lm, Llm, Em, Alm, Om, Aum, Aam, and Ahm)
Vishudda is associated with sound, creative expression and the ability to speak honestly. It helps us speak our inner truths and find a personal way to convey our voices. Vishudda embodies the essence of all five elements. It has no color, smell, taste, touch or form.